A Guide to Tariff and Shipping Consulting

The shipping industry significantly contributes to intercontinental trade. One of the biggest challenges that industry players have is the fact that different countries have different shipping laws. Tariff and shipping consultants are critical in the shipping industry as they make it easy for individuals and companies to conduct business without fear of breaking the law or incurring losses. 

Tariff consultants primarily deal with tariff related issues. Their roles include:

  1. They provide comprehensive advice on the various tariffs that your goods will be subject to when leaving or entering the country.
  2. They are knowledgeable on the country's import and export laws and trading bloc agreements. If what you are importing is illegal or does not meet the required standards, the tariff consultant will let you know.
  3. They are experienced in port operations and will explore all available legal avenues for you to save money when importing or exporting your products.
  4. Tariff consultants have vast connections in the port area and can help you get in touch with government officials, customs brokers and clearing and forwarding agents.

The roles of a shipping consultant are:

Logistics. The shipping consultant provides logistic based advice on the best routes to use, which ships are best suited for the route, and the various challenges you are likely to encounter during the voyage.

Forecasting. Shipping consultants with vast experience in the industry can advise you on the best time to import and export products. Such support is essential for any business as you do not want to make losses.

Financial planning. The shipping consultant will give you a comprehensive report of all costs you will incur during export or import.

Compliance. Once you engage the services of a shipping consultant, he or she will ensure that your cargo is compliant with all applicable laws.

When hiring a tariff or shipping consultant, look out for the following:

Qualifications. The person you will be consulting with must be qualified to practice in the field. Moreover, the firm or individual must be licenced by relevant government authorities.

Experience. An experienced individual or firm are best equipped to handle your affairs. The more the experience, the more expertise and connections they have which ensures your matters are handled well.

Costs. The cost of consulting must be within your budget. You can ask for price cuts if you find the price to be a bit high.

Tariff consultants are critical when importing or exporting products as they ensure you abide by all laws. Shipping consultants help out in logistics, financial planning, and forecasting.
